Regina Agho, commonly known as Mama Gina, is the most senior teacher at SDK Lena and will retire in December 2025. Despite her upcoming retirement, Mama Gina remains enthusiastic about contributing to improving literacy among the children at SDK Lena.

In 2023, Mama Gina received news that SDK Lena would become a partner of Taman Bacaan Pelangi (TBP). This was good news for Mama Gina and the entire SDK Lena community, as their library would be revitalized, and the children would gain access to high-quality books. However, Mama Gina had some concerns when she learned that classroom teachers would be conducting weekly reading activities in the library.

I was a bit hesitant, wondering if I could carry out reading activities, especially read-aloud sessions. This is very new to me, and read-alouds require engaging expressions, intonations, and gestures,” said Mama Gina when the TBP team visited SDK Lena.

Mama Gina was selecting a book for a reading activity

Despite these concerns, Mama Gina reminded herself that the goal of this child-friendly library partnership program is to instill the habit of reading so that children would want to read, read frequently, and enjoy reading both at school and at home. With this in mind, she regained her enthusiasm for attending the training organized by TBP and learned from her fellow teachers to address her worries.

Mama Gina explained, “At first, I always practiced with the other teachers a few days before library visiting hours. My biggest challenge was remembering what to do before reading. Sometimes, I made small notes, but I would still forget. I also had to practice my expressions and gestures a lot by observing my fellow teachers, who gave me plenty of feedback.

All her hard work paid off, as the children became excited about visiting the library. The students in class 1A, who are Mama Gina’s students, also learned to read faster because she not only used the library books for the reading activities but also incorporated them into classroom lessons.

Mama Gina was conducting a reading aloud session in the library

The books from the library have many interesting pictures, making them ideal for classroom use. The children learn to read faster compared to the previous year,” she added.

When asked why she continues to be enthusiastic about learning and conducting reading activities during library visits, Mama Gina said it is her responsibility as a teacher. She also mentioned that she enjoys and believes that it helps improve the children’s literacy. She added, “I must keep learning and stay motivated for the sake of the children at SDK Lena, even though my retirement is just around the corner.”

The principal of SDK Lena, Mr. Agustinus Ghedo, praised her spirit and dedication to the school, especially in taking part in improving student literacy at SDK Lena. He mentioned, “SDK Lena community always admires Mama Gina’s spirit in learning and doing her best for the students. Students are flocking to the library in each recess because of their teacher, Mama Gina, who shows them of how fun it is to read.”