SDN Mauwaru is a school partner of Taman Bacaan Pelangi starting from 2023. It is located in Lokalaba Village, Mauponggo District, Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara.

The reading habits of SDN Mauwaru students have already developed. They are accustomed to borrowing and reading books at home, but during school holidays, when the school and library are closed, they can’t do this.

SDN Mauwaru students felt bored without books at home. Seeing the students’ eagerness to read, the librarian took the initiative to open the library on an agreed-upon day.

“I decided to open the library during the break because of the students’ desire to borrow books to read at home. During the break, I opened the library and served students for 8 days. The students visited the library to read books for 15 minutes and borrow books to continue reading at home” said Mrs. Maimuna, the librarian of SDN Mauwaru.

The library opened for a shorter period compared to regular school days, so the students focused on borrowing books to read at home. This activity was consistently carried out by the librarian, with the child-friendly library at SDN Mauwaru being open for 8 days during the school holidays.

“Approximately 30 students came to the library from all grades,” said Mrs. Maimuna.

The students were enthusiastic about coming to the library at the agreed time. This was evident from the number of students attending the library, reaching 30 from a single class at SDN Mauwaru.

During the school break, students have many options for various activities. However, when students choose to come to the library to read and borrow books, it becomes a testament to the success of everyone involved in encouraging students to love reading.

This is the goal of Taman Bacaan Pelangi in partnering with schools in Nagekeo through the child-friendly library program. Providing quality books with interesting pictures and stories for children. The suitability of the books and the children’s reading abilities have made them fond of reading. This has been proven at SDN Mauwaru and 108 other partner schools of Taman Bacaan Pelangi in Nagekeo.