The International Women’s Month is colored with the spirit of motivation to pursue dreams through the first meeting in the series of Girl Empowerment Class. This activity is attended by female recipients of Girls’ Scholarship originating from various regions in Eastern Indonesia and female junior high school students in the Givaudan Foundation’s foster areas in Sulawesi.
The aim of this event is to enable junior high and high school female students to map out their dreams and remain consistent in pursuing them with strategic plans. Eleazar Evan Moeljono, known as Ezer, a Curriculum Developer at Lentera Ambarawa Christian School, shared his success story in achieving his dreams on March 4, 2024, through Zoom. Ezer recounted his experience of studying up to Boston University through effort and consistency, which served as motivation for the participants in pursuing their dreams.
Not only Ezer, but Firman also conveyed his experience through a video presentation, now able to continue his education at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. “When you have a dream, don’t give up no matter what obstacles you face. If the problem is funding, there are many scholarships available, if the problem is associated with resources, internet access is widely open to be utilized,” said Firman.

Firman straightforwardly conveyed to the participants not to be afraid to dream because every dream will always encounter challenges but they must believe and work hard to achieve that dream.
At the end of the activity, participants were invited to review the worksheets that had been sent to try to organize their dreams systematically. Participants were guided to create specific dream maps, measurable with numbers, feasible to achieve, reasonable, and have deadlines.
“I want to become a travel agent for international tourists visiting Flores in the next 5 years,” said Tiara, one of the participants, optimistically expressing her dream.