Taman Bacaan Pelangi conducts the first reflection meeting for 2023’s project school partners inauguration on Wednesday, January 24, 2024. The event was opened by the Department of Education and Culture of Nagekeo District, represented by Mr. Yustinus L. Mosa.
The meeting was attended by school principals, librarians, and coordinator teachers. The aim was to review the activities carried out in the library from September to December 2023. This included analyzing student book checkout, teacher reading activities, and the school’s innovations to enhance students’ reading habits.

The book checkout was documented, summarized monthly, and archived by Taman Bacaan Pelangi. From the archives covering October to December 2023, SDK Wolokoli students borrowed an average of 6 to 7 books per month, SDK Kota students borrowed 6 books per month, and SDK Kelewae students borrowed 5 to 6 books per month.
In addition to book borrowings, the reading activities conducted by teachers each week were also documented, summarized, and archived by Taman Bacaan Pelangi. The data shows that reading activities across schools were the highest in October, compared to the activities in November and December 2023.

Approaching six months after the library inauguration, some phase 1 schools in 2023 have already implemented various innovations to improve students’ reading habits. For example, SDK Ngedu students created notice boards in the library and held storytelling competitions based on books in the library for school-level students, SDI Rata organized loud reading competitions for school-level students, and SDI Dombe held parent engagement program in their library.
An interesting aspect of this reflective activity was the guidance provided by Taman Bacaan Pelangi facilitators, where schools shared tips and practical tricks that had been successful. This sharing of experiences allowed other schools to learn from each other and design innovative plans for their own improvement.”