“Responsibility is a tremendous privilege. That’s what marks everyone as an adult human.” Barack Obama (Former President of the United States)
Hello, TBP friends! This time, the story comes from the inauguration of the 229th library at SDN Ndetunura, Nagekeo Regency, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. On Tuesday, August 8, 2023, the event went smoothly and as planned. However, behind this process, SDN Ndetunura faced various challenges that they were able to overcome. What were those challenges? And what were the solutions? Let’s learn together about its success story!

Firstly, the challenge faced by SDN Ndetunura was the inauguration schedule changing from August 4 to August 8. This change was related to the busy schedules of the Regent and Deputy Regent of Nagekeo. The school could happily accommodate this schedule change as it provided them with more time for preparations. However, on August 9, there was the New Beginnings celebration for the child of SDN Ndetunura’s Headmaster, Mr. Sefrinus Wasa. The New Beginnings celebration is a mandatory Catholic religious event. As a result, Mr. Sefrinus needed to strategize to ensure both events could run optimally. What was the solution? Mr. Sefrinus divided and delegated tasks within a team. Leading up to the inauguration day, he focused entirely on the school, even staying overnight to prepare for the event. “I divided the team for the school and home events. After the inauguration day, I went straight home. What else can I do? It’s already a responsibility,” said Mr. Sefrinus confidently.

Secondly, there was a leaking roof. SDN Ndetunura successfully prepared a brightly painted library with the help of a teacher who had a talent for painting. This process was completed in mid-July, faster than other schools. After placing a carpet, funded by contributions from parents, a wet pattern suddenly appeared during routine training with SDI Madambake. It turned out the cause was a leaking roof. Oh no, the roof color had faded and was somewhat wet! Consequently, SDN Ndetunura had to dismantle the carpet for roof renovation. The Headmaster contacted the committee to plan the roof repair costs and asked for volunteers to patch the leaking roof. “We asked for help from one of the parents. We patched it with glue and used tire inner tubes. Now, there’s no more leaking roof. We also bought a new carpet. So, we installed it at the same time,” said one of the teachers in charge of fixing the leaking roof.
Below are the before and after images of the library renovation at SDN Ndetunura. 😊

Thirdly, the vice principal had to accompany her sick parents in the hospital. While at the hospital, Mrs. Liva, the vice principal in charge of managing the visiting hours poster, welcoming banners, and library rules posters, had to divide her time between family matters at the hospital and preparing for the library inauguration. From a distance, Mrs. Liva communicated with the Taman Bacaan Pelangi companion to request corrections to the design and content of the posters. Supported by her husband, who made the 120 km round trip from Mbay to Ndetunura to bring the posters. Wow, what teamwork and dedication to completing tasks.
Here’s the interior of the library with its administration, such as book level posters and library rules.

The inauguration day went smoothly. Mr. Marianus Waja, the Deputy Regent, Mr. Venantius Minggu, the Head of the Nagekeo District Education Office, and their entourage visited and inaugurated the library. The reading and multiplication tests were also successfully completed. The literacy tree next to the library, intended as a place for children to sit during break time while enjoying their packed lunches, added to the success. Everything went smoothly due to the cooperation and responsibility of each party involved in the school. Once again, congratulations and best wishes to SDN Ndetunura for becoming the 229th library in Nagekeo Regency!