To accelerate the development of education, specifically children’s literacy, is not merely in the hands of government alone. For a significant change, collaboration and synergy are required from all stakeholders, from the government, and philanthropies, to the public.
On February 14th last year, Rainbow Reading Gardens attended an invitation from Kelompok Kerja Pengawas Sekolah (KKPS) or the district Elementary School’s Supervisor Organisation during their annual workplan meeting at SD Inpres Wudu, Boawae subdistrict with around 13 supervisors participating. The Head of District Education Office, Venantius Minggu, also joined in this meeting.

In the event, Rainbow Reading Gardens was given the chance to introduce closely about the concept of child-friendly libraries. Rain Reading Gardens also elaborated on the forms of involvement from the supervisors when selecting new partner schools and monitoring after a library is officially introduced.

Despite having an endless list of workplan, the supervisors seemingly welcomed and willingly took part in the initiative. They even planned to include this into one of their yearly programs in the future. “This concept to build a child-friendly library is astonishing, and we hope this collaborative work can be added into our workplans as supervisor”, Oswaldun Meo, the coordinator of Nagekeo elementary school district’s supervisors, implied.

Moreover, when the head of District Education Office encouraged all stakeholders to move together to improve the quality of education in Nagekeo, especially in addressing illiteracy. He said, “There must be a collaboration for our education run smoothly”. At the end of the meeting, the supervisors’ coordinator expressed his gratitude to Rainbow Reading Gardens for successfully providing quality books and making children visit their school libraries actively and enjoy reading. Oswaldun Meo ended his speech by saying “Reading is essential so that our children can have a better future ahead”.