Two weeks after the inauguration of the library, I visited SDI Ndona 3. I spotted something different about the schedule displayed on the wall. A a free library visit time schedule was there. Although it was ‘free’, the visiting time for each class was set during breaks, apart from the regular schedule of library period, which is mostly at the last school hour.
“Why was it so?” I asked Bu Ati, the librarian at SDI Ndona 3.
“It is for my convenience so I can remember who check books in and out.”
Such a schedule does not hamper students’ reading interest. Even in 1 week period, students have the chance to check out books 3-4 times!

“Our wish to optimally use this library so that we can help children read better,” said Pak Achmad one afternoon, after giving a ‘high-five’ to second grade students who would enter the library.

In fact, at the end of December 2018, the number of books checked out from 75 students was 1,101 in 3 months! ?
The children’s reading enthusiasm was amazing , thanks to the encouragement of the Principal and the teachers !

Furthermore, parents often sit in front of the library while waiting for their children. As library periods are scheduled at the last school period, parents can also witness reading activities. Even, there are parents who ask if they can also borrow books they can read to their children.
The Principal allows parents to borrow books so they can read their books at home with their children. To this day, parents also borrow library books through their children, for 3 days so that they read together at home.
It is true what @nilatanzil and @evamuchtar said that it is not that they have low habit of reading, but they lack access to quality reading books.
Loc : SDI Ndona 3, Ende, Flores-NTT