During the pas week, three libraries supported by Rainbow Reading Gardens in Belu Regency, NTT, namely: SDI Wekatimun, SDI Tenubot, and SDI Wedomu were busy preparing for the perfect setup so every student in the schools can use the library comfortably.
One of the busiest group turns out to be the student volunteers previously selected to assist librarians in the library. These students are mostly from grade 4 and grade 5.
Similar to other job positions in the workplace, these student volunteers are given orientation on their tasks and responsibilities in the library. One of them is to help librarians when other students are in the library during break period. Another task is to put books back to the shelves and help clean up the library in the morning and after school time.

During break period, for instance, student volunteers oversee as well as provide support for their fellow students. They remind their friends to flip the pages carefully and to put the books back to their initial location.
Being asked how they feel about this new job, almost all are happy being student volunteers. I witness with my own eyes that they do their jobs very well. It’s indeed fun to be student volunteers! 🙂

However, there is one interesting and worth-noting issue when I observed the student volunteers in the last few days. When they reminds their friends to flip the page carefully, not everyone can accept the suggestion, especially if the suggestion comes from the lower graders. Hahaha… Oftentimes I heard that these volunteers do not have the courage to talk to the higher grade students about how to flip the page because they will be mad at the volunteers 😀
I later explained that it happens to the adults, too. Not everyone can accept suggestions. What’s important is to do it in a kind of way and not giving up easily. Isn’t that so? The students volunteers nodded their heads 🙂
Atambua, 29.9.2018