84 children. That is the total count of SDK Nangakeo’s students also 6 students below our one of partnership criteria. With only 9 teachers and a principal operating the school they have managed to win our hearts into working with them in developing another child friendly library, becoming the 95th library that we’ve partnered with.

It is all thanks to their small yet solid community and to their persistent principal Bapak Matheus Pawa. His genuine appeal managed to moved us during the community meeting which was attended by every student’s parent and the village stakeholders as well. They are indeed small in numbers but big in spirit and desire for better things for their children.

Small yet solid team the faculty of SDK Nangakeo. Here, they were leveling & labeling the 1.121 story books that arrived last July.

Now time has come for this little community to show to us their little reading haven that has been painted in green & yellow pastel, covered with carpet, filled with story books as well as children’s drawings and off course build with their dedication. On the morning of September 10th 2018, our founder Nila Tanzil & the rest of Taman Bacaan Pelangi team met up with this community for the library inauguration. Joining us was Ibu Siska Sare from Ende’s DoE & Bapak Martijn, the Head of Ende’s Department of Library. We were all welcomed by the Head of Bheramari village & Mosalaki of Nangakeo.

“Come this way Dear Sir & Madams. Follow our Wanda Pau dance to your seats.”

Wanda Pau dance marked the beginning of the ceremony and so it began, the speeches followed by childrens of SDK Nangakeo performing dances and a theatrical play showcasing the joy of having a colorful library filled with story books which was one of the pinnacles of the celebration. Guests & parents loved that show but they loved the next part even more, the 1st official library visit. Both children and their parents were curious to check the library out, as soon as Nila Tanzil & the other VIP guests cut the ribbons in front of the library, there was nothing stopping them from exploring the books inside. They were so excited that we felt bad about asking them to pose for a couple of pictures.

Multi-talented little performers of SDK Nangakeo kept us entertained in between every speech. They can dance, they can act, they sing. Triple threat!
Library corners are the best spots for a story sharing session.

Soon it was time for us to leave for the next inauguration that day but there was no way of leaving without first stuffing our tummies with the heaps and heaps of Ende dishes that were cooked and served by the parents & the teachers. Then a small round of Gawi for our dessert. It was just the right amount sweetness  to wrap it all up before we part.

A library opening in Ende is not yet completed without the Gawi dance however small or big the circle is.
