On Tuesday, 4thSeptember at 11:30 WITA, the headmaster of SDI Ndona 3 had already prepared to greet the Rainbow Reading Gardens team, a representative from the Department of Education and a representative from the Department of Libraries at the school gate. The students of SDI Ndona 3, dressed in traditional clothing, also stood by the gates awaiting our arrival. As we arrived they began to dance a traditional welcome dance and led the guests to their seats at the front row of the event.

Before the headmaster greeted to the crowd, the students took their places by the library and sang a song written specifically for the library inauguration.
“Mai kita gha SD Ndona 3 latu Taman Baca Pelangi…
Basa buku, basa buku, basa buku tau ngala ilmu…
So deku dudele ana lara ke…
So anak lara ke ilmu iwa e…
Mae buja basa buku, mae buja basa buku…
Demi buja ilmu iwa latu…“
let us come to SDI Ndona 3 where the Rainbow Reading Gradens library is
We are here to read, to obtain knowledge
There is unease and sadness for the kids without knowledge
Don’t get bored with reading, for without reading there is no knowledge)
In the headmaster’s statement, he translated the language, sung in the local tongue, to Indonesia. For us, with our lack of knowledge of the local language, it was nice because we could understand what the song meant.The song was a message from the Head of SD Inpres Ndona 3 for his students to continue reading books. Especially since at this time there is a child friendly library that provides interesting story books for children.

The event continued with a statement from a representative of the DoE, Mr. Kanisius Se, as well as the co-founder of Rainbow Reading Gardens, Eva Muchtar. We then inaugurated the library at SDI Ndona 3. As soon as the library doors opened, the guests began pouring in, and everyone was asked to look at the books provided. The librarian, Mr. Ati, also provided an explanation of the philosophy behind the library. When the DoE representative saw a book titled “Beware of Natural Disasters,” he immediately brought it to the library entrance to show the book to all the guests both inside and outside the library, taking the opportunity to provide a brief explanation of what the government has done to deal with natural disasters in the area.

Afterwards, the adults exited the library and the students entered. They were so happy. They took the books from the books shelves. They began to read. They disappeared into their own little worlds.