SDK Ende 6 in North Ende has become the first of 20 schools to inaugurate their library. On Monday 3rdSeptember 2018, parents of the schools arrived at the school from early in the morning to prepare for the event. Children arrived at the school wearing traditional clothing to greet the guests that arrived to inaugurate the library.

The library inauguration was attended by a variety of parties, including a representative from the Department of Education, Mrs. Siska Sare, a representative from the Department of Libraries, Mrs Mas Djuwita, the head of the district DoE, as well as a few headmasters from the schools nearby SDK Ende 6.
One interesting thing about this particular inauguration was the participations from the parents, who voluntarily donated food for everyone to enjoy. The parents from each grade brought one kind of food to be served at the school. As such, the participants got to enjoy a bunch of different types of food, from corn rice, red rice, white rice, and corn.
When the library was inaugurated, the parents were given a chance to see the library and the books inside. We even see some parents reading the books.

The books in SDK Ende 6 can be enjoyed by 117 students from the first to the sixth grade, without caring whether or not the children can read, since the books contain many pictures.
All the teachers in SDK Ende 6 have received training regarding the library management and library period activities, so that they can support the library effectively, and the children will develop reading habits.

To celebrate the solid collaboration in inaugurating the libraries, the headmaster invited us all to join hands and participate in a traditional celebratory dance, the Gawi dance.