The oldest of them all. That is SDN Ende 1 of North Ende compared to other elementary schools in Ende. Located side by side with SDI Ende 9, both schools share a field, an entrance, and a sunset view offered by Ria beach that is 5 minutes walk away from the schools. All these sharings between the 2 schools made it a bit challenging for us to choose which should we partner with for the child-friendly library program. In the end, we went with SDN Ende 1 hoping that in in the near future, the other can share their child-friendly library features, management and benefits.
It was the work of highly organized & commited librarian, Ibu Nur’Aini that got our attention and favored the school to fall through our selection net. The multicolored library had already some child-friendly features in it when TBPelangi paid their first visit on August 2017. The books, although mostly weren’t story books were categorized and neatly stacked horizontally. They also had library cards for students who wished to bring books home. Cartoon characters were drawn on its light blue painted wall accompanied by paper flower ornaments in the reading area, and hanging trinkets on its beach facing windows. No wonder most of their 184 students loved coming to the library, it was a well maintained place with an ocean view bonus. It needed only a little boost to fulfill its child-friendly library potential.

Many developments had been accomplished throughout September 2017 to January 2018 to ready both the library & the faculty. Starting with renovation, 2 workshops on library management & activities, furniture placement, story books distribution & categorization and down to teacher orientations. Came February 2018, SDN Ende 1’s child-friendly library was all good to go, just in time for their opening.
Valentine’s day of 2018 became the 1st day for SDN Ende 1 to have a taste of their sunset colored library. Scheduled to begin at 11 AM, we pushed the inauguration an hour earlier so parents & other invitees wouldn’t miss their noon prayer time. Soon after the arrival of our founder Nila Tanzil, the welcome ceremony began. Present with her was Bapak Hilarius & Ibu Theresia from Ende Department of Education, Head of East Ende Subdistrict Bapak Kapiten Lingga, Head of Kota Raja village Bapak Muh. Mbupu, Babinsa, Babinkantibnas along with SDI Ende 9’s & SDI Ende 2’s Principals. They were escorted with Wandapa’u welcome dance from the gate to the canopied seating area right in front of the library where commencement speeches & children performances were delivered. Hyped and happy was everyone, but no one could up top Bapak Adnan Abu Bekar’s enthusiasm that day. Although a bit nervous, the school principal couldn’t hide how proud he was to present their bright orange library to public & most of all to the parents who were all very helpful during the preparation process.

Soon it was time for us all to check the library out. After Nila Tanzil and the rest of the honorary guests made the symbolic ribbon cut, everyone was welcomed in. A couple of teachers had already been on stand by inside to greet both children & adults. While the adults exchanged conversation, TBPelangi team along with Ibu Aini organized the children to lay the ground rules before letting the children explored the story-books. Children, faculty, parents and other guests rushed in and out the library throughout the day, all packed inside the 7 x 8 m library yet we didn’t seem to sweat that much thanks to the cool breezy air flowing through the window. Breezy. Another happy coincidence that completed SDN Ende 1 library’s child-friendliness & we hope it continues to be.
