Since yesterday, teachers and students work together to prepare the opening ceremony of this library. Children who will be perform the dance and Qasidah have been training since a week ago. They are very enthusiastic to wait for their library opening day so that they can use library immedietly.

Working together!

The librarian and I with some help from female students are on duty to arrange books in the library. The children are very happy to see their new library collection book for the first time. There are also children who are more enjoying reading rather than putting books into shelves. Hehehe….


I asked the girl for help at that time, because boys often make more work. Hehehe .. While joking, boys justify their behavior. But, finally there is also a boy who wants to help clean up the library. Their smile made me not willing to ask them out of the room. ?

After yesterday’s busy day, today was the culmination of their new library inauguration. After about a month of working with principals and teachers, of course, children, finally the library has been able to be utilized by children.

Waiting for the event to begin

Papenda dance

The inauguration ribbon was cut by Mr. Eddy, Head Basic Education Department of DoE North Lombok.

Thanks to Yayasan Filantrofi Semesta which helped the dream of younger siblings in SDN 1 Medana, North Lombok became a reality, that is through financial support.

To children at SDN 1 Medana, hopefully the books available in the library can make you even higher to put your dreams.

Book is a window to the world

Today, I see your eyes that store the beam of light for a bright future and become a person with a good character. Love those books! With these books you will be able to carve out a good life story.

Thank you very much kids for being a friend of mine for a month lately. May the Lord of the Universe overflow you with childhood full of sweet stories.

North Lombok, 15.11.2017
