Apart from providing access to high quality reading books, Taman Bacaan Pelangi also held a workshop to increase literacy competency, which named #BebasButaHuruf workshop, located at Exotic Hotel, Labuan Bajo on 24-25 July 2017. This workshop was attended by 15 teachers, who teach grade 1 to 3, from SDI Merombok, SDN Ranggawatu, SDI Namo and SDI Beci.
This workshop can be held because of the support of all Indonesian through fundraising at KitaBisa.com. This workshop was opened by the Head of District of West Manggarai Education, Mr. Magol Marten and the founder of Taman Bacaan Pelangi, Mrs. Nila Tanzil. Mr Marten emphasized that the importance of teachers’ hard work and their commitment in supporting this program so that all students will have better reading ability. In addition, Mr. Marten also expressed his gratitude to Taman Bacaan Pelangi for his commitment to education in West Manggarai.

In this workshop, Taman Bacaan Pelangi cooperates with Yayasan Kristen Wamena. Yayasan Kristen Wamena has succeeded in preparing Papua Contextual Book (BPKP) to help children in East Indonesia more fluent reading and writing for the past 8 years. Papua contextual book (BPKP) is designed to be bridged for the learners to have a better reading skill. Within two days of workshop, Mrs. Netha Boseren became a passionate facilitator in teaching and guiding the teachers. Mrs. Netha expressed great enthusiam and happines to be able to help teachers on the Flores island. Mrs. Netha was excited to fly from Wamena for 2 days to meet teachers in Flores.
In this workshop Mrs. Netha provides reinforcement of material about phonetic awareness, reading, vocabulary, fluency, understanding and high level reading. There is also learning material about providing feedbacks and making language walls.
Teachers also get material about teaching through visual, auditory, feelings and movements/ kinesthetic. In this case, each literacy material will also be equipped with games, movements, worksheets and songs. Interestingly, in this workshop teachers also have the opportunity to practice teaching with materials that have been taught.

Mrs. Hildegardis Inas, who used to be called Mrs. Hilde, from SDI Namo realized that the reading ability of some of her students is still lacking, so this training is very useful.
“The material presented is also very complete, with a very simple language, accompanied by media, images, and songs that are very appropriate to the conditions in the field”, said Mrs. Hilde.

This workshop really makes the teachers enthusiastic in learning.

Almost all the teachers mentioned that one of the obstacles in their elementary school is almost all the students enter the first grade without kindergarten and early childhood, so almost all students do not know the letters at all. So with this workshop, the problem can be resolved because Papua contextual book is using very simple language.
Mrs. Yovita from SDN Rangga Watu, added that students in elementary school when they first enter school are still learning how to hold a pencil, so the students has a low level of reading ability. This training, she added, will greatly assist the students in SDN Rangga Watu and the existence of Papuan contextual book is very appropriate with the condition in elementary school in Manggarai. The same statement was also conveyed by all teachers who attended this workshop. The teachers are very enthusiastic in every session hosted by Kak Netha.

Mr Carolus Masri from SDI Merombok in his discussion with Ms. Dewi Analis from Taman Bacaan Pelangi said that the training was very impressive and interesting. From his career journey as a teacher for approximately 30 years, he said this workshop is very useful, interesting and this workshop is the most memorable workshop for him. Wow … Ms. Dewi is very touched to hear it. This also makes Ms. Dewi and Taman Bacaan Pelangi team very happy.
With the enthusiasm of teachers and their role to actively engage, the commitment of the school principal and the surrounding community and the full support of the district of education, it is hoped that this literacy improvement program runs smoothly and successfully.
Let’s continue to improve reading interest in Eastern Indonesia!
Let’s support the #BebasButaHuruf program
Adhimas Wijaya
Labuan Bajo