Saturday, May 20, 2017 is a day to remember for Rainbow Reading Gardens family. This day was Indonesia National Day of Resurgence as well as the inauguration day of the 58th Rainbow Reading Gardens library at SDN Rangga Watu, Mbeliling Subdistrict, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara.
This particular inauguration is special as it was also the day we have to say goodbye to all 2017 Reading Ambassadors of Rainbow Reading Gardens who have gathered in the last three days.

When the inauguration ceremony was about to take place, my memory flew to the first time I visited the school. The teachers told that Rainbow Reading Gardens have visited the school three times for school selection process, yet the time has not come yet.
When explaining about the program, I can see their desire to quality books. Apparently, after a discussion with Rainbow Reading Gardens team, SDN Rangga Watu was finally selected as the location for Pelangi 58th library, collaborating with Agoda. Yay!
In addition to being a library, the building was intially being used as a classroom for religion lessons. However, after today, the library is used only as a library 🙂

After inviting all the teachers and parents to participate in the library renovation, we listed the materials needed to create a child-friendly library at SDN Rangga Watu.

At the beginning, I did not expect there would be many present during the renovation. I kept on thinking that there would be five people at school as they were all busy with their works. It turns out my expectation was all wrong.
Once I arrived at school, there were more than 10 people waiting for me to come with the materials needed.

Room renovation was done in two days, including painting the wall and renovating the floor in front of the library as well as installing metal roof that connects the library with other classrooms.
On the second day, the Village Chief of Golo Desat even donated one chicken for lunch as parents were very enthusiastic even though they were not at all paid. Thank you, Sir! ! 😀

Among the short time of preparing for the final examination, SDN Rangga Watu was willing to spare some time to prepare for the library set-up and opening ceremony.
Right after the training was carried out to all teachers, they applied what they have learned by leveling as many as 1200 books. Since many teachers were involved, in less than one day, all the 1200 books have been leveled and labeled. It is indeed true that no matter how hard a work is, it will be much easier when many are involved. 🙂

Finally, the awaited day has come. Everyone was busy with their roles. The males were setting up chairs, the ladies were busy at the kitchen to make sure everyone was not starving during the opening ceremony.
I also could not wait to meet the Rainbow Reading Ambassadors from various places in Eastern Indonesia to come and mingle with the people of Rangga Watu. I was more excited as they were wearing traditional costumes.
The group finally came and they were greeted by the elders of the village. A white rooster and tuak was given to the guests as part of the welcoming rituals.

Once we arrived at the venue, students at SDN Rangga Watu welcomed us with a sweet performance, performed by a teacher and students from grade 6 who wore traditional Manggarai costumes.

The female students also took the spotlight. They performed a traditional dance in front of the audience who have come from many areas in this country.

The inauguration was marked by the ribbon cutting by the Founder of Rainbow Reading Gardens, Representative from Agoda, Principal of SDN Rangga Watu and accompanied by Village Chief, School Supervisor, and Representative from the Education Agency and Archives and Library Agency of West Manggarai Regency.

During this library inauguration ceremony, students have the opportunity to listen to a story told by Bp. Gede Gunawan from Agoda Indonesia entitled Di Mana?, and later they drew print-rich materials to be put on the library. It is great to know that the just inaugurated library was used! 😀

The journey of Rainbow Reading Gardens library at SDN Rangga Watu, since the room preparation until the inauguration was not brief nor easy. However, with the active participation of various parties, including school, students, parents, village chief, as well as Agoda which support the library, this seemingly long and hard process can be done.
Rainbow Reading Gardens express our greatest gratitude to everyone who has been involved in creating happy smiles on this happy Saturday. We hope more smiles are to be seen in this library 🙂