SDI Wae Moto is located at Compangliangndara Village, Mbeliling Sub-district, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The school is indeed located not far from the Trans Flores way, yet the bumpy and rocky 5 km road to the school makes it one among some beneficiary schools which have challenging road access.

On Friday, 24 Feb 2017 morning, the library at SDI Wae Moto was inaugurated and becoming the 50th Rainbow Reading Gardens library. The team was greeted by students lining up orderly from the school yard to the library, where the ceremony took place.

Meanwhile, the elders greeted the team by offering a white rooster. The Rainbow Reading Gardens team, together with Kak Motulz, were heading the venue while a folk song was being performed along the way. That sacred moment was real.

Leading the ceremony is one of the student’s parents. The speech delivered by the principal and village chief was filled with the greatest gratitude for everything they have received, including books, shelves, room preparation materials, as well as trainings for the teachers of SDI Wae Moto. The ribbon was cut, and everyone can enter the room and enjoy the books provided on the shelves. The children, in particular, showed their excitement by rushing into the shelves and selecting the book inside that green and yellow painted room.

After having lunch, as prepared by the school committee and teachers, kids had a drawing session, led by Kak Motulz. Paper and coloring pencils were distributed, and children were allowed to draw anything they want. What a surprise! We found varied drawings from these little children. Some drew flowers, animals, some even copied what they saw on the library’s walls. Once they told the stories behind those drawings, we can see enthusiasm in their description.

During this session, we learned that what the children have made in their drawings are their translation of the reality they are facing. There should not be right or wrong in this interpretation. When they are given the freedom, the results may be surprising to us.

Personally, I was surprised of what they have made. Many of them shared very interesting stories behind their drawings, despite the limited access they have in transportation, electricity, and water. Hopefully, this brief session with Kak Motulz encourage them to be confident in what they are capable of. Also, hopefully the books can broaden their knowledge and make them be more creative in everything they do. Happy reading! 🙂