A male teacher wearing Mangarai-style sarong, cap and vest seemed worried. His worriness is not without any reasons. Some things should be prepared for that day, such as a white rooster, a bottle of beer and scarfs as guests were to come to SDK St. Yosefa, Komodo Sub-district, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara.
It was 1pm, and the guests arrived at the school and headed to the library. Yes, this Monday afternoon is the time to inaugurate the library at SDK St Yosefa, collaborating with Rainbow Reading Gardens, and the Education, Youth, and Sport Agency of West Manggarai, supported by Room to Read.
Welcoming the team of Rainbow Reading Gardens, Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia, together with Education, Youth, and Sport Agency of West Manggarai and the representative of Room to Read, he draped the scarf and made a speech in a local language, as part of the welcoming custom. The white rooster and the bottle of beer were also given to ensure that the guests’ journey is safe and far from thirst.

When the welcoming party seemed to come to an end, the kids took part in greeting the guests with the beautiful Tiba Meka dance.

Before the library was inaugurated, all parties involved in the project expressed their gratitudes for having a child-friendly library at the school. Everyone, including the Head of Education, Youth and Sport Agency, the Ministry of Education and Culture, School Comittee as well as Rainbow Reading Gardens agreed upon the essential role the books hold for the future of the kids, especially the students of SDK St. Yosefa.

The ribbon cutting marked the inauguration of the library at SDK St Yosefa that day. The library is the 44th library of Rainbow Reading Gardens to be inaugurated. Everyone was given the opportunity to come inside the library and see the surrounding. Everyone was very happy and excited. The library at SDK St Yosefa was transformed into a brand new library. The wall is painted beautifully, equipped with shelves in similar colors. Not only children but also adults feel happy to be inside the library. They said they do not mind staying in the library for a long time.

May all the books inside the library be loved and accompany the times of the children at SDK St. Yosefa 🙂