It’s a sunny morning in Sumbawa Besar, a good sign to start the day! Today is a big day for Taman Bacaan Pelangi [Rainbow Reading Gardens], because we are inaugurating our two new libraries in Sumbawa Besar! Yeayyyy!! The first library is actually a relocation of our old library, that was located in Semamung Village. We moved the library to SDN Nijang to make it more sustainable. Early morning, our team head to SDN Nijang (Nijang Elementary School). Once we arrive, the school principal and the teachers greet our team with their friendly smile. To our surprise, there are some school principals and teachers from the other schools, too! Wow! What an honor! They all come to celebrate the opening of our library!! The opening ceremony starts with a dance performance by students. They sing and dance, wearing school uniforms, carrying their school bags. So cute!! It’s followed by an opening speech from Ibu Ritawati, the School Principal of SDN Nijang, Sumbawa Besar. She expresses her gratitude and happiness for the collaboration between their school and Rainbow Reading Gardens. She says that now their school has a very nice library with a great collection of children story books! She also says that Rainbow Reading Gardens provides not only books, but also the bookshelves, tables, carpets, as well as renovating the library room from the scratch. She’s very thankful for the partnerships and ensure they will take care of the library, for the benefit of the students in their school. We are also very honored to have the Head of Education Office of Sumbawa Besar, Bp. Sudirman Malik, with us that morning. He gives a speech stating how happy he is to know that Rainbow Reading Gardens continues to support Sumbawa Besar in the form of libraries’ establishment in some areas. He hopes that our organization will set up more libraries in this region.
Our Founder, Nila Tanzil, also delivers her speech, thanking the partnership between our organization and the school, and all the supports given from the school principal and the teachers. She also shares some information from our Project Coordinator, Monica Harahap, who says that the kid in Sumbawa Besar are so keen to go to the library, even if it’s not their Library Period. This is the sign that these kids are thirst of books. They already start growing their love of books. And we hope that reading will become their habit in the near future.
These are some pictures of our newly relocated library in Sumbawa Besar. Let us know what you think! 😉
Our Newly Relocated Library in Sumbawa Besar!