Selamat Ulang Tahun Taman Bacaan Pelangi ke-5!
Certainly we celebrated this birthday in Rinca too. A party just for the kids!
We organized certain fun competition with prizes for everyone. It was a great party and the kids loved it.
We started with a reading contest for the younger ones like class 1-2. Some of them are already really good at reading. And I bet you can guess why!

Even some kids from first class could easily compete with the other. It was so nice for me to see how Taman Bacaan Pelangi has an influence of them who use the library everyday. It increases their knowledge and reading skills so much which makes me very happy that I am part of this project. At the end we had 10 proud winners with new pencils, books other little goods.
After that we continued with a drawing and creative competition. Some little artist have been born there. Everyone tried their best so that it was hard for us to choose the winner. But nevertheless everyone was happy to take part, the winners were hailed and the prizes spread big smiles above the faces.

Last but not least we had some poesy contributions. Lovely to see how much time they spend in this poetries. The theme was “Taman Bacaan Pelangi” and they really effort to present it by rote. In addition they were already able to introduce themselves in English so that we combined this with our English-lessons. It makes me a little bit proud to see their progress. I never guessed that those poetries will be that good in consideration that those who participated are only 12 years old.

To sum it up: It was a great and joyful day. The kids had fun as much as me. I was really happy that everything worked so good because it was my first time to organize a party like that.
*This story is written by Paul Hunger, our volunteer in Pulau Rinca, NTT.