It was a beautiful Saturday morning when “Petualangan Taro (Taro Adventures)” came to visit us in Roe Village. Ibu Tata and Ibu Christine from Taro came with a group of 10 people and they were all ready to have fun with us. We greeted them with “Caci Dance” (a traditional dance from West Manggarai) – performed by two boys from Taman Bacaan Pelangi Roe. Also the girls performed some other beautiful dances and not to forget the “Tek Tek Alu” dance. Even though the sun started to get hot, the kids and our guests were all excited!

Kakak Hiro started to greet the kids with some “breaking the ice” games. He was really good with kids and all the shyness from the kids’ faces slowly fade away! Kak Hiro taught them some songs with some movements and the kids learnt all the songs very fast! All of them looked so happy! Even happier when the group from “Taro Adventures” started to give them a cute uniform with a green hat! Some parents who were there giggled and laughed seeing their kids looking so cute in the “Taro Adventures” uniform!

The kids were divided into three groups. Grade 1 & 2 was group A. Grade 3 & 4 was group B. Grade 5 & 6 was group C. There were 3 posts that each group had to visit. On each post, there was one “instructor” who lead the games. Games were all related to literacy/children books. The kids were asked to read the book that the “instructor” gave them and after that the “instructor” would ask them some questions. Everybody got presents in each post. How fun!!!

From the games, the kids learned many things, such as: about illness, earth, human anatomy, and many many more. Not to mention new songs that made them laugh!

Thank you, “Taro” snack for the visit! We surely had a great time with “Petualangan Taro” (Taro Adventures) team! It was such a memorable day for the kids because they’ve never experienced such a fun event before plus received so many presents, too!
We also thanked Taro for the books donation that they gave to Taman Bacaan Pelangi. Whoa! Those books were superb! Thank you!
To thank “Taro” snack for all the presents, the kids presented some more performances, which were: singing, dancing and poetry! Those performances called out the day with “Petualangan Taro”… we all went home with smile and fond memories of the fun day…

Hi Taro Pelangi,
nama saya Hanuka dan usia saya 7.5 tahun. Saya ingin sekali bergabung dengan Taro adventure, karena saya waktu di Bobo Fair saya sempat ikut panjat tebing dan Taro di hutan dan sangat senang dan menarik. Bisakah saya melihat website dari Taro Adventure dan email ke saya, apa saja syarat syaratnya. Terimakasih
Rita Hanuka
hi hanuka .. salam petualang.. hi juga kak nila… numpang kasih info buat hanuka yah.. silahkan hanuka buka atau kamu boleh telp ke 02192676862 bilang kamu mau daftar member petualangan taro nanti kamu akan dapat kartu anggota.. saat ini tempat latihan rutin panjat dinding club taro ada di pinisi nusantara pasaraya blok m lantai 9 kamu bisa latihan panjat disana gratis.
to kak nila kapan kita jalan – jalan bareng lagi nih.. maju terus yah taman bacaan pelangi.
Wow amazing!!, thanks