During the pandemic, in almost all fields is switch to online systems. The covid-19 pandemic forces us to adapt and find concrete solutions that can be worked out. Nowadays, we are familiar with “Work from Home” or “Learning from Home” term. This is a change where work or study is usually done face-to-face or meet in person in one room, transformed into an online system, where meetings are mostly done online, learning from teachers only from a laptop or cellphone that connected to the internet. The world has experienced significant changes.

Learning from this, of course, Taman Bacaan Pelangi, a non-profit organization that focuses on developing child-friendly libraries must also adapt to this situation. The goal is, even though the situation is not yet normal, learning cannot be carried out face-to-face in the classroom, the impact of this child-friendly library can still be felt by students in beneficiaries schools. For this reason, TB Pelangi in partnership with Provision Education as a representative of Room to Read, launched a new program in 2021, namely the program “fun reading 2021: Transition to technology-based library”.

Room to Read has developed a platform called “Literacy Cloud“, which provides  a lot of children’s books, videos to reading aloud, and resources that can be used for free by everyone, teachers, and parents. To increase the impact,  parents and teachers must also be willing and able to read it to children in an interesting way, and of course, they also have to understand how to do it online. For this reason, ten schools were selected to become TBP partners, have 3-day training via zoom was carried out.  This training teaches teachers about the Literacy Cloud and its features,  how to read aloud that is interesting to children, and how to read a book online.


The hope is that as longas the school is closed, the teachers can still carry out reading activities online so that they can foster children’s love for books. And at the end, they have a habit of reading, that is when children want to read, read frequently, and enjoy reading not only at school but also at home.